Marbled Cone Snail: Though a small beautiful looking animal, the venom of the marbled cone snail is powerful enough to kill over 20 humans. Thriving mostly in warm salt water environment, the venom of this snail causes unbearable pain, numbness, muscle paralysis & breathing failure.
Stonefish: While talking of venomous fishes, the Stone Fish leads the line as being one of the most venomous fishes of the world. Resulting in the worst known kinds of pain in the victim, the venom of this fish also causes paralysis, shock & tissue death. These are mostly found above the Tropic of Capricorn & the shallow marine waters of Indian & Pacific Ocean.

Box Jellyfish: Leading the list of the world’s most venomous animals is the box jellyfish. It is found mostly in the waters around Australia & Asia. The toxic & painful venom of this jellyfish attacks the heart, skin cells & nervous system causing the victim to go in a state of shock & ultimately death.